
“Thank you for your expertise and support. The students enjoyed our tours and the wealth of valuable information you provided ” (AIB)

Who takes our Tours?

GA PARIS has  as a wide range of clients : architecture firms, architecture associations, project developers, producers of building products, municipalities, universities, tour operators, incentive agencies, arts associations, but also for press delegations, architecture enthusiasts and cultural travelers.

Please visit our Tripadvisor page for further reviews

Past clients include: Université du Canada / Earlham College / Paris Batignolles Aménagement / Setec / STO / Oslo Kommune / Soenecs / Ege Carpets / Atrium Ljunberg / BDP Europe / Sapienza Université de Rome / Energy Center Wien / Ritter Schumacher / University of Wyoming / Paris Habitat / Althaus Architekten / GPP Arkitekter / Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes / Motivation travel / ETH / Liljewall Arkitekter/ MSM / Salvis Consulting / Arkitour / Matexi NV / ARVHA / Université de Winterthur / Hollins University / The Aspen Institute / V8 architects / Ordre des Architectes de Paris Ile de France / AIB / Motion Europe / Armstrong Building / Irven 


“Paris war ein phantastisches Erlebnis. Vor allem  wegen unserer super netten und engagierten und fachlich kompetenten Führung !” (Detlef Krause/ BuFAS)

“From our experience we have never had a guided visit like the one GA Paris organized in Paris and Lyon. Your sympathy, enthusiasm and energy have pleased any single one in our group.”((byggutengrenser)

“Merci, le voyage était très réussi.”(Pierre HURT/ Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils)

Partners :